Monday, October 6, 2008


message on 14Th of September
in Roman 12:9 state that "love must be sincere.hate what is evil and cling to what is good."
why do we called sincerity a virtue of transparency?
the word sincere comes from 2 Latin words 'sine'-without and 'cera'-without wax.
sincerity is what we see is what we get.
we live in a society where sincerity is as rare as Michelangelo's masterpiece.Everything seems to be "waxed" vitamins that make human young.second hand cars advertised as good as new.
what is hypocrisy?
Hypocrisy is the opposite of sincerity.The Greek word means putting on a mask,a stage actor,a pretender.these is what a hypocrisy is like.On the outside he may appear very nice,holy,self-righteous and others.Look beautiful outside but inside full of unclean things.
what is the main root problem of hypocrisy?
why cant we be fully sincere??
the first step toward sincerity is to recognize and acknowledge our weakness and to turn away from them.
the second problem of insincerity is the heart.only our own heart know whether we are sincere or not.if you yourselves do not know then who can understand it??
the third root problem is our love must be sincere.Why is love such an important factor in sincerity?because once you love in your heart then you will treat everyone sincerely.

To know whether you yourselves sincere or not...ask yourselves the questions that state below
a)are we the come with the person on the outside as we are only the inside?
b)do we judge or critics others??
c)is our heart for spiritual things :pure or impure??

start from now treat people with sincere heart then you will be bless....