Tuesday, February 3, 2009


feeling is something really hard to explain...

sometimes sad
sometimes happy
sometimes angry...
there are all sort of feeling...
but is hard to control it also
these few days really have bad feeling toward peoples...
and of cause tired of it too...
i really do not know what to do...
maybe i am too self-fishes...
maybe i am those who always give accuse
maybe i am those who are wicked
maybe i am fake when facing people
maybe this 
and maybe that...
but really feel dissapointed when i know this is the real me...
i am scare of myself too...
but i even more scare of people
people is something that are very scary in this
they can did all kind of things just to pull you down
just to critism you and so on...
if i know this is the end of everything
i will follow chose the same way as 1/4/2008,last year...
is a scary dream for me...
and finally i believe all my friends who is so care bout me
when everything reflect back into my mind
i really feel sorry for some of my friends who are so care bout me
i did not want to hear their adviced
i just ignore it
but finally what they said is true


today went for movie again...

quite funny...
is like so long not watching those movie...