Sunday, October 19, 2008

nEw sUnDaY

today praise and celebration in church really great...
the songs that being play by worship team really touch my heart a lots...
is really nice...
and message that spoke from pastor is also like spoken to me
because it speak deep into my heart and do not know why..
my heart beat just jump very fast
and the words is like holding my heart..
finally i understand something...

i really want to thanks God because He never let me do something that our of my ability
even if really out of my ability,He will stand beside to give me the strength and support..
God will always lead and guide me
but human will do what they want according to their personal's needs...
they will sacrifice their love ones or everything just to get what they want...
it's really selfish...
and i know i am waiting for God who will always help me
so that i will not fall....
i need matter what people do to me or say bad about me
i will wait for God's answer...
sorry if i really hurt anyone of who by saying this...
and i song that i sang this morning told me that
God is my healer
God will pick me up when i fall down
God will fill my cup when i am dry..
and for God everything is possible
nothing is impossible for God...
because everything will be shaken
only God's kingdom will not...
a company can be bankrupt but God's market will not...
i hope this message can help those who in needs...