Sunday, January 11, 2009


may God bless you in everything


i just feel tired in all these things
do not know why
i just feel like there is no-one understand what am i doing now...
everyone is like throwing problems
but not trying to solve it...
only God always there be with me
help me
but not pointing fingers to me
sometimes just feel disappointed with peoples and things
hard to explain thing out from my heart
hard to let people know what i am facing
hard to said out the real feeling of my heart
is just hard...
except God who is so understanding
today while i am praying
i saw God holding my hand and walk with me towards the long pathway
in front of me is a beautiful and big sunset...
everything was so beautiful
and this is beautiful screen that i ever saw
but when i turn back
i saw everything was destroy
the people are all suffered
everything was turn to grey
nothing is with colour
so much different between the screen in front and behind...
but no matter how bad the screen behind
God is still with me...

FrOm sTrEnGTh tO sTreNgTH

we are the people eho live from strength to stength...
With God ,we can do everything from strength to strength....
in Psalm 84:5-7,
"Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their heart on pilgrimage
as they pass through the Valley of Baca
they make it a place of springs
the autumn rains also cover it with pools
they go from strength to strength
till each appears before God in Zion.."

Blessed are those who put their strength in Lord
we must always moving ,learning and of course have a humble heart
and must never stop learning and growing
Baca inside the scripture means any difficulty of our life...
As they pass through the valley of Baca,
they are the one who makes the place there to spring...
we are also the one who can make the bad situation into good when we face difficulty
we must refuse to have personal thinking to determine our passion and faith
we must believe that we can everything to spring when we pass through the Valley of Baca
the Holy Spirit will just give us rain and water when we are dry in someplace of our life
if we just commit everything to God and let Him put His strength to us
we could just turn everything to spring when we meet problems
and we will find that we are growing from strength to strength

in Proverb13:12 said that Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life...